Saturday, June 16, 2012

Angkor Wat and some bumps in the road

We visited Angkor Wat. This area is actually a very large area.  There are over 200 temples in the area and archeologist are still discovering temples in the jungle itself. These temple were built a very long time ago and show us so much about our past.

Another picture of Angkor Wat with the reflection on the water! We wished we could have jumped in the water it was so hot outside.

Here our group is in front of another temple. This is a smaller temple that was left with some trees in and around the temple. They did this to show the tourist how the temples looked before the were restored. This also was the temple used in shooting Tomb Raider.

This is our entire group in front of a temple. This temple was made after Angkor Wat and had different religious symbols/faces on it.

We also visited a potential Garuna Kids school site. The building is currently used for Sunday School and after school care. We had to go on very small dirt roads to get to this school. The road was extremely bumpy.

The children were so excited to see all of us when we arrived at the school. The even sang a song to us.

We taught the children to sing many songs. They loved the actions so much. We had lots of fun together.

1 comment:

  1. Glory be to God! The eager faces of the children and the mission team show the glory of God's Word as you share His salvation. We pray the Lord continues to give you strength and endurance as you travel into new enviroments and different cultures. The Lord is with you today, tomorrow, and always.
